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Josh Clark enlightens us to everything we need to know about the current state of UX in AI. He takes us on an unsettling stroll through uncanny valley. He encourages us to let machines do what they’re really good at, and humans do what they’re really good at. He guides us into how to begin getting our hands dirty with AI/Machine-Learning. He also articulates how our software/machines are embedded with values, and inspires us (for future’s sake) to be intentional about the kinds of values we embed into them.
Josh Clark spent nearly two hours with me talking all about the state of UX in AI. He answers important questions like:
- How will failure and presenting errors be addressed as people rely on AI more & more?
- Is there hope for the UX of Voice UI?
- How do algorithm’s work?
- What part of the AI development process should UX get involved?
- Should we be worried about our jobs?
- Will the machines we’ve built one day eventually overtake and possibly destroy us?
- Much, MUCH more…