045: Criticize by Creating with Alexa Roman

User Defenders podcast
Product Design
045: Criticize by Creating with Alexa Roman

Alexa Roman motivates us to prove the value of design and contribute to it every single day. She encourages us to always be learning new things since designers work across many different fields. She inspires us to get more excited about analytics and measuring our designs. She also challenges us to think about what we want on our tombstones…while we’re still this side up.

Alexa Roman is a Lead Product Designer at Burner, an app for creating on-demand, smart phone numbers. At Burner, she works on product and growth initiatives. Customer development, experiments and analytics are core to her design work. Previously, she was at Carbon Five where she worked on growth projects with teams at Nissan, Prosper and Joyable. In her spare time, Alexa volunteers with the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles, the Violence Intervention Program and resisterhoodLA.

Fun fact about Alexa is that when she worked in the Art Department for the TV show The Office, she became the resident IT person and would often be called to set to show the actors how to use their on-screen UI. When you see UI in a TV show, it’s nearly always a file that’s been programmed and you have to know the shortcuts to operate it. I did not, however, design that UI and it was terribly out of date even for the time we shot that show.

  • Secret Identity (7:49)
  • Origin Story (12:42)
  • What Will Your Tombstone Say? (19:25)
  • Biggest Failure (21:50)
  • Design Superpower (29:40)
  • How Important is Aesthetics? (35:52)
  • Awkward Testing Story (48:49)
  • Design Kryptonite (55:23)
  • UX Superhero Name (63:59)
  • Designing with Data (64:30)
  • Habit of Success (70:09)
  • Invincible Resource (71:39)
  • Recommended Book (73:28)
  • Best Advice (74:48)

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